Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Community Services: "Carbon Footprint"

For my Community Services at school, I choose work with Glenda Phipps at Carbon Footprint, carbon footprints is a project that facilitate the measure of the impact human activities have on the environment in terms of the amount of green house gases produced, measured in units of carbon dioxide. A group of students for professor Sinkoff class decide to be helpful to the environment for the global warming problem, and we decided to work together to learn and teach the community to help with this problem that affect everyone in the entire world. In our first meeting we learn how to plant, water and take care the plants. At the same day we plant a lot of plants like florida butter bean, egg plant, arugula plant, sasil, charolic purple, dill, and cabbage. To continues with our work to help the environment we first inform ourselves about how to reduced CO2 and for this we take some test on the webpage of us agency that is www.carbonfootprint.com. In addition all members of the Carbon Footprint are working we the plants, water then everyday and we are preparing a presentation for everyone that will be interesting in work with us learning about the environment and how to help the global warming.


"Carbon Footprints." . March, 03 2007. RADsite.
20 Mar 2007 .

Saturday, March 10, 2007

The House of Asterion

“The House of Asterium” by Jorge Luis Borges an amazing story about a prisoner that sees the prison as a castle and himself like Asterion a prince. Theseus the names that Borges give to this character is the reality of many prisoners today. In this essay he is writing a letter to Ariadne, by the form he refer to her in his letter we can assume that she is his love. Theseus in his infinity of letter to Ariadne related the way that he lived and see the life in jail. Borges tried to confuse the reader comparing the live of one prisoner in jail with a prince in a castle. Theseus in his desperation many time imagined the jail with female pomp or gallant court formality, but the reality is that does not have anything of this, because when he open her eyes he face with the reality. In this incredible story we can esteemed another story for this wonderful written that has been written infinity of beautiful story and poems.

Book: Arguing Through Literature, by Judith Ferster
Title: “The House of Asterion” pages 99-101, by Jorge Luis Borges (1899-1986)